Rare Breeds

2024 is the 40th year that the Cornwall group of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust has been running. During those years the members have worked tirelessly to make sure that no breed of farm animal has disappeared. Some have been commercial farmers with an interest in traditional breeds, some are smallholders with a small number of animals, and some have no space to keep any livestock at all but all are united in wanting to preserve our traditional farm animals. They are part of our heritage; these animals have shaped the British countryside.

They are always pleased to welcome new members to their group. You do not need to be an animal keeper, just have an interest in rare breeds. They attend Shows with animal displays, go on farm walks, have speakers at meetings and just-for-fun things like a quiz. If you’re interested in joining, you would be most welcomed.

For further info call 07811 381046

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